Sabtu, 20 November 2010


hey. udh lama nggak nge-blog. mau share sedikit tentang sesuatu. bosen ngepost foto terus hehe. jadi hari ini setelah gereja, gue pergi makan ke suatu tempat. bukan di mall, tp di suatu rumah yang dijadiin tempat makan.
gue udh pesen makanan lalala, gue sama bokap bingung, kenapa yang layanin gue anak kecil? gue pikir juga nggak mungkin anak yang punya rumahnya.
pas dia nganterin makanan gue, bokap nanya umurnya berapa. dan dia seumuran sama gue. 16. ternyata dia juga udah nggak sekolah dan langsung kerja disitu. nggak maksud pamer, tapi gue kasian sama dia.
seharusnya seumur gue ini kan kita udh sma. lagi seneng - senengnya lah. dan dia harus kerja karena nggak bisa sekolah.
so guys... let's be grateful for who we are. emang mungkin kehidupan lo nggak seperti yang lo pengenin. cuma bersyukur aja inget temen - temen kita di luar sana yang nggak bisa sekolah dan mesti kerja.
last but not least, happy sunday guys! God Bless You all :)

Rabu, 22 September 2010

honestly I don't know what to write

I REALLY MISS YOU GUYS. I wanna be like this FOREVER.
X1 Stays in my heart forever
you guy's are irreplaceable. :''')

highly recommended song


Seconds, hours, so many days
You know what you want but how long can you wait?
Every moment lasts forever
When you feel you lost your way

And what if my chances were already gone?
Started believing that I could be wrong
But you give me one good reason
To fight and never walk away

With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain, weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing

Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries!
There are no boundaries!

I fought to the limit to stand on the edge
What if today is as good it gets?
Don't know where the future's headed
But nothing's gonna bring me down

I've jumped every bridge and I've run every line
I've risked being saved but I always knew why
I always knew why!

So hear I am still holding on!

With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain, weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing

Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can

You can go higher, you can go deeper
There are no boundaries above and beneath you
Break every rule 'cause there's nothing between you and your dreams

With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe

Yeah! There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries!

With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain, weather the hurricanes
There are no boundaries!
There are no boundaries!
There are no boundaries

no boundaries in Indonesia means : tanpa batas. :)
i really love this song. thanks to Yaki
am gonna post another post today. because I'm done with those subjects and I have nothing to do. so c u!

Rabu, 15 September 2010

the result is

I keep wondering why
i need an answer. why are you doing this to me? i need an ending. i hate this kind of situation. i'm sick of these stuffs.

Jumat, 03 September 2010

4 hours to go

HEY it's 8pm here. And I can't sleep. I should be on my bed now because "Training for Trainers" will be held tomorrow morning, so now I just wanna say :
May God Bless
#23 Gonzaga
during the TFT
tomorrow :)
so we can be good trainers and can train them well

so I guess, GOODBYE for now, see u in the next two days. God Bless Us

Kamis, 02 September 2010


It’s twelve o’ clock and I need your attention
It’s like the alcohol making my head spin
You scent is the rum the room is a bottle
Keeping me hopeless ‘til I wake tomorrow

And if tonight ever makes a difference
The way that I feel
the way that I’ll remember it
I’ll take this down
until the glass remains
Swallow the words
that I was meant to say

It’s a long drive
back to Vegas skies
So I don’t, I make one
more wrong turn tonight so

Say goodnight our first goodbye
I’ve only got forever and forever is fine
Just take your time
We’ll stop the clock together
And know that the timing was right

All of these guards
they stand tall and defensive
Putting up walls around
what was once innocent
It won’t let me in
but I’m stronger than that
Cuz you stole my eyes
and I’ll never look back

Girl last night I forgot to mention
The way that I feel
the way that I’ll remember this
When we’re this young
we have nothing to lose
We just the clock to beat
and a hand to choose

It’s a long drive
back to Vegas skies
So I don’t, I make one
more wrong turn tonight so

Say goodnight our first goodbye
I’ve only got forever and forever is fine
Just take your time
We’ll stop the clock together
And know that the timing was right

It’s a long way down
Just fall into place
and you’ll fall into me
We’ll make it out you’ll see

So say goodnight our first goodbye
I’ve only got forever and forever is fine
Just take your time
We’ll stop the clock together

And say goodnight our first goodbye
I’ve only got forever and forever is fine
Just take your time
We’ll stop the clock together
And know that the timing was right

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

random post part four

"A Girl is not a toy that you can PLAY with"

another perfect quote from Pete Wentz! ;

"Girls are like apples.. the best ones are the top of the trees.
The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid to falling and getting hurt.
Instead, they just get the rotten apples that are on the ground that aren't as good.
but easy.
So the apples at the top think there is something wrong with them.
when, in reality, THEY ARE AMAZING.
They just have to wait for the right boy to come along,
the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.

Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

and you keep asking why?!

maaf curcol lagi.
tulus. tau ga sih artinya apa? melakukan dengan hati, ikhlas, tidak terpaksa, nggak minta imbalan, nggak mengungkit bantuan apa yang pernah dia berikan.
dulu lo sepiknya : semuanya tulus kok :)
nggak usah cerita cerita lah ke orang yang baru. nggak tau sejarahnya, nggak tau masalahnya.
kesannya? gue JELEK di mata mereka.
kalo lo tulus seharusnya lo nggak membahas ini ke mereka. atau mau caper? ha ha ha
dan setelah gue labrak, u keep asking why? ure such a stupid boy!

Senin, 16 Agustus 2010


well, my birthday is on 2nd of August. I know it's too late hihihi :)
by the way, sorry about my bad grammar on every English post or my English tweet. I'm working on it :)

last week, or about ten days ago, I went to Oenpao, Kemang to celebrate me and Barbara's birthday. It was so FUN!
oh ya, thanks for coming yaa :
Hesty Henny Wiwid Casey Brendy Udu Tasya Gitta Fristine Jasmine Andisa Vita Nadira Borat Noval Raihan and Dicta. too bad Karin didn't come :(
I HAD SO MUCH FUN! :* :* :*
ooh I almost forgot. tomorrow is Indonesia's Independence Day. wish all the Calang Paskib 24 do their best.
GOOD LUCK CALANG PASKIB 24. God Bless You Guys. Ad Mairoem Dei Gloriam

when you feel like hope is gone.....

There's a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are

There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong

And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

It's a long road
And you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand
For you to hold

You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt
Will disappear

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

Oh ho, Lord knows
Dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone
Tear them away, hey yea

Hold on
There will be tomorrow
In time, you find the way
, hey

Then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

That a hero lies in you
Mmm, that a hero lies in you

good song right? it inspires me a lot.
it's such a not-so-important post but I just want to say that I WONT give up on any problems. I know that God, will makes me stronger than before with all of the problems that he gave.
and I know I'll be okay, though my skies are turning grey :)
wish me luck. good night!

Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010


HA HA HA makasih ya buat 2 taunnya. who needs you anyway? no offense. bye!

Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

lost in stereo

rabu kemaren gue nonton ALL TIME LOW!!! sama Dicta sm Enrico.
the concert was F-in awesome. great performance, great stage, and great crowd.

gue benci beberapa penonton yang gak tau diri. mereka dateng malem tp nyerobot udh gitu kalo gak dikasih jalan dorong dorong. ya kalo mau dapet di depan dateng dari sore dong mbak mbak, mas mas.

terus ada yg badannya gede terus pake ransel terus moshing moshing. tolong lihat sekitarnya, apalagi di barisan gue banyak ceweknya. kecil kecil pula badannya. tolong lihat tempat lain kali. gue tau kok konsernya seru. band nya seru tapi tolong perkirakan gerakannya. yang gue kecewakan dari penontonnya ya cuma masalah ketertiban kayak gini sih hehe. maaf kalo ada pembaca yang tersinggung, ngga bermaksud apa apa kok cuma pengen cerita.

ok balik ke ATL nya aja yaa! sayang sekali mereka tidak membawakan lagu favorit gue : Remembering Sunday. tapi gapapa lah performance mereka tetep keren kok :)
see u soon Jack Barakat! I love uuu. come back here soon!

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

if it kills me

tadi siang pas lagi ngelatih, gue ngomong ngomong tentang banyak hal dengan seseorang dengan inisial E. ini nama panggilan. dia lebih tua dari gue, dewasa, dan ngerti lah apa yg gue rasain.
setelah berbicara banyak, dia bilang :
"Jangan bohongin perasaan lo sendiri!"
oke gue akuin itu bener. tapi gue gak mau jatuh ke dalam lubang yang sama. buat apa gue pertahanin terus kalo emg itu ga membuat gue nyaman dengan diri gue dan hidup gue halah bahasanya.

Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

i keep saying..


Senin, 28 Juni 2010


gue mau curcol. maaf kalo nyampah. semoga aja dia sadar.
lo punya mata?
lo bisa liat kalender kan?
lo punya otak,
lo bisa nginget perkataan lo sendiri kan?

punya temen baru, temen lama lo dilupain?
buat temen baru dibela belain, buat temen lama apa?
SEPIK doang.

alasan gak ada kendaraan, buat temen baru? behhh. salut.
alasan jauh? padahal sama temen temen baru lo itu ke TEMPAT YANG SAMA!

kenapa sih? apa temen lama lo gak sebaik temen baru lo?
apa temen lama lo ga bisa bikin lo nyaman?

satu kata : kecewa

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

nothin to do

mau cerita lg ttg si Kepo di angkot...
Kepo : eh eh semua dengerin deh gitarnya bagus bgt!
Endruw : apa apa?
Kepo : nyalain hp (lagu ST 12 ost Kemilau Cinta Kamila)

terus ada lagi ini tiba tiba nyanyi lagunya Anang Syahrini yang Jangan Memilih Aku, terus lagu World Cup tp yang dinyanyiin Waka Waka E E nya doang wakaka

aaah baru pulang aja udh kangen

Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

Thank God :')

Finally! grade 11 and social class! I'm soooooooo happy and proud of my self HAHA :D LOL

kan dari 2 minggu yang lalu gue udh deg degan tuh ya naik apa nggak, sampe nangis kejer kejer (sebenernya lebay tp yaudahlah ya), makan tak enak tidur pun tak nyenyak (beneran loh)

hari hari gue lalui, dari GPPL, sampe ekskursi. dan tibalah saatnya H-1 rapotan itu sekitar tanggal 11 juni (padahal baru kemaren). gue ke sekolah buat ngurusin toga graduation #21 capek tapi seru siih apalagi anak anaknya rame pas hari H HEHE :D

nah pas tgl 11 malem opening world cup. ga begitu napsu nontonnya. takut ditelfon sih huhuhu. tapi sampe sekitar jam setengah 11 gitu telfon ga berdering, nyokap bokap juga ga disms, gue bersyukur setengah mati. dan besokannya beneran gue naik kelas dan masuk IPS. Tuhan baik bgt emg yaaa sama gueeee.

abis itu gue menagih nyokap dan bokap untuk memenuhi janjinya, dan abis iu gue pulang, siap siap, ke Penville dulu beli minum, baru ke Gonz nyiap nyiapin toga. sekitar pukul 3.30 ya (sok tau) acara graduation mulai. keren bgt acaranya.
great orchestra, great dresses, and great decoration :)

udah ah capek. HAPPY HOLIDAY everybody! byeeeeeeee

Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

u should watch it too :)

Yesterday I went to Senayan City with Varania Saskhia and we watched :
It was a great movie. you should watch it!
It is not about porn, It's about their experience in Abu Dhabi, and how to solve a problem in your family.
I LOVE their dresses. so stylish and breath-taking haha (lil bit too much)

and then we went to Urban Kitchen, and we had our late-lunch, and after that, we went to ZARA, Topshop, Debenhams, etc.

we were so tired and we decided to go to Plaza Senayan which is in front of Senayan City. We went to Starbucks and bought Caramel Machiato ♥ and started gossiping.

It was a great saturday night sas! we should do it again! haha KISS

(ps : sorry bout my bad grammar. still working on it ;))

Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

random post part three

gue mau curcol. kalo gak mau baca ya gak usah haha.
gue STRESS. banget.
bayangin ajaaaa ini sekolah udh kyk apaan tau ulangannya susah banget. mana gak ada remed lg :( takut banget sumpaaaaaah. ah gmn niiih.
doain naik kelas yaaa. huhuhu.

kedua, tadi gue ke Marsud. sedikit menghilangkan ke-stress-an gue. ketemu :
Dela yang selalu buat gue ketawa, yang punya muka yang menghibur, kocak, aah miss you Del!
Ratri yang sekarang suka Korea -__- tapi masih suka melawak dan aku kangen kamu RAAAT!
Maria yang kalem. tapi tadi ketemunya cuma sebentaaar :'(
Shianne yang kecil imut dan lucu. ketemu juga cuma bentar tapi puas kok :)
Niko si kelinci paskah hahaha. masih suka ledekin gue
dan lain lain (ok mungkin agak norak warna warni gitu tp karena itu warna favorit mereka haha oke ga penting)

ketiga, duit gue abis. BT. gue butuh duit buat makan kalo ke sekolah haduuuh kenapa sih.. I need MONEY!

keempat, GUE MAU POLAROID CAMERA DAN PANTAI!!! duh naik kelas aja deh dulu ya, Di baru minta yg macem macem HAHAHA.

follow twitter gue yaa. @agathadiandra

apa sih?

setelah lo ngata ngatain gue di twitter, lo nge add fb gue lagi? HA HA HA

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

lagu ini buat x1

Baru saja berakhir
Hujan di sore ini
Menyisakan keajaiban
Kilauan indahnya pelangi

Tak pernah terlewatkan
Dan tetap mengaguminya
Kesempatan seperti ini
Tak akan bisa di beli

Bersamamu kuhabiskan waktu
Senang bisa mengenal dirimu
Rasanya semua begitu sempurna
Sayang untuk mengakhirinya

Melawan keterbatasan
Walau sedikit kemungkinan
Tak akan menyerah untuk hadapi
Hingga sedih tak mau datang lagi

Bersamamu kuhabiskan waktu
Senang bisa mengenal dirimu
Rasanya semua begitu sempurna
Sayang untuk mengakhirinya

Janganlah berganti
janganlah berganti
janganlah berganti
Tetaplah seperti ini

janganlah berganti
janganlah berganti
Tetaplah seperti ini

pas banget tadi habis pelajaran PKn hujan, tadi hari terakhir belajar bareng x1

kimia, fisika, jepang, pkn. pas jepang seru bgt pada tidur tiduran di lantai gitu terus setel lagu dan nyanyi bareng bareng. gakmau pisah.

once again. GOOD LUCK x1 for our FINAL EXAM! we CAN do it. WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. semoga gak ada yang veter. amin.


Senin, 17 Mei 2010


heyy all!
first of all, I would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY NYOMAN YOGISWARA KUSUMA!
the second one would be...

H-2 buat kita bisa sama sama lagi sekelaaaaas. huhuhu.
wish me luck for our final exam.

and numero three,

and the last one would be.
Ipang - Sahabat Kecil. (dengerin deh :( x1 huhu)

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

14 May 2010

hari ini di sekolah lumayan laah ga se-males biasanya. tapi sedih hari ini hari terakhir diajar sama Bu Kristal, sama Ms. Kristi. gaaah di kelas 2 gak diajar sama mereka lagi :(
more photos w beloved x1!!!! ♥

itu foto yang diatas sama angdiv pangdiv divisi 1 minus Adit and Raissa. sayang banget Udu, Hesty udh pada pulang :(
yang bawah lg di ruang ganti mau OR. Ruth changed her hair style. great job, Ruth! hehe.
H-6 looohh final examnya.
semangat semangat!
follow my twitter : @agathadiandra thank yoooouuuuuuu

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010


nggak kerasa udh mau 1 taun aja deh.
nggak kerasa udh mau naik kelas 2.
nggak kerasa udh mau pisah sama x1
nggak kerasa udh mau punya adek kelas
1 taun bentar banget deh rasanya. apa gara gara kebanyakan tugas? HEHEHE
wish me luck for my final exam.
x1 let's fight for final exam. I know we can do it!

Senin, 10 Mei 2010

crazy for you

it's an old song but I LOVE IT :)
it's a soundtrack of 13 Going on 30 (2004). Love the movie too anyway
i hope you'll enjoy the video

Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

Jeane's birthday!

hey all. I went to CiTos yesterday with our birthday girl, Jeane Olivia, Varania Saskhia, and Pelagia Meryl. We had so much fun! ♥
we went to CiTos to celebrate Jeane's birthday. we ate at Fish n 'Co and Thank God we're full :)

we took so many pictures but I will show you just several of our photos (btw sorry for my bad grammar. I'm still working on it)

me and the birthday girl
with meryl, saski, and jeane
with Varania Saskhia at Fish n Co
our food. yummm

Kamis, 22 April 2010


first, I wanna say :
let's go Green and do the 3R! (reduce, reuse, recycle)
and our earth will be a better place for us!

and the second one is :
well, the birthday was yesterday actually. so sorry kar!
here is the 'Love Drunk' Birthday Cake :
sorry kar udh rada ancur gitu hehe
ya pokoknya wish you all the best deh kar hihi :*

Jumat, 16 April 2010



Sabtu, 03 April 2010


HAPPY EASTER for those who celebrate :)
have a blessed Easter
Thank You, God for your holy cross. I love you!

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

aku cinta Jakarta

kemaren karena libur, gue sama Edo, Karin, dan Dandy pergi menjelajahi kota Jakarta. judulnya sih hunting tapi lama kelamaan malah asik bercanda sama liat liat. fotonya jadi dikit deeh hehe tapi seru kok.
pertama kita janjian ketmu di PIM terus naik mobil gue ke Blok M buat naik busway ke kota. udah beli tiket, naik busway lalala, akhirnya sampe ke Musem Gajah.
sebenernya museumnya ya lumayan lah. ngga jelek gitu. cuma karena nggak dirawat, terus pengunjungnya juga yang merusak, museumnya jadi kesannya suram dan kotor banget. udah dibilangin ya nggak boleh fotoin koleksinya. teteeeep aja di foto. padahal itu bisa merusak koleksi loh. terus masih aja ada sampah padahal museum itu masuk ke Visit Museum 2010 :(
selanjutnya ke Kota Tua. karena udah jam 12 siang dan kelaperan, akhirnya kita makan dulu baru masuk museum. sama hal nya kayak Musem Gajah. Fatahillah tuh keren banget kan kayak 'Belanda banget'. tapi kotor nggak dirawat, sampah juga berserakan, malah Fatahillah jadi tempat pacaran di pojok pojoknya. maksud gue liat liat tempat kek kalo mau mojok. jangan di museum. mall banyak di Jakarta. museum kan peninggalan malah dibuat pacaran. gue ngeliatnya prihatin banget ck.
yang masih lumayan terawat ya Museum Wayang. tapi kendalanya ya itu beberapa 'alay' sibuk berfoto foto di depan koleksi. padahal udah diperingatin. apa mereka nggak peduli ya kalau koleksinya rusak atau apa?
terus akhirnya setelah itu kita naik sepeda ontel. seru loh hehehe. tapi tinggi. jadi gue rada rada susah gitu.
terus akhirnya kita mutusin buat pulang tapi sebelum pulang, kita ke Monas dulu. gila jalannya jauhhhhhh banget. akhirnya setelah kita masuk, kita ke Ruang Kemerdekaan. tau sendiri dulu tuh ruangan full AC, bersih parah, dan semua yang masuk ke situ harus hening. lagi lagi kami menggeleng gelengkan kepala karena tempat itu panas, berisik, dan banyak orang pacaran. padahal disitu terdapat teks Proklamasi.
Hal hal kayak gini kan sangat disayangkan. yang kayak gini loh yang buat orang males ke museum. coba bersih dan terawat, museum di Jakarta bakalan bagus banget.
dari cerita ini gue cuma pengen nyampein keprihatinan gue sama museum museum di Jakarta. semoga ke depannyalebih baik deh jangan makin buruk.
trip ke museum itu menyenangkan looh :P boleh dicoba sekali sekali. VISIT MUSEUM 2010!
(oh ya gue bakal upload fotonya di post berikutnya)

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

random post

kangen Varania Saskhia Priambodo sama Kikha Arinda
kapan sih gue bisa bebas main kayak dulu lagi?
sekarang tiap hari belajar. ngansos di rumah ck -__-

really love the lyric :)

Cruising when the sun goes down
Across the sea
Searching for, something inside of me

I would find all the lost pieces
Hardly feel, deep and real
I was blinded now I see

Hey hey hey you're the one
Hey hey hey you're the one
Hey hey hey I can't live without you

Take me to your place
Where our hearts belong together
I will follow you
You're the reason that I breathe

I'll come running to you
Fill me with your love forever
I'll promise you one thing
That I would never let you go
'Cause you are my everything

You're the one, you're my inspiration
You're the one, kiss, you're the one
You're the light that would keep me safe and warm
You're the one, kiss, you're the one

Like the sun goes down, coming from above all
To the deepest ocean and highest mountain
Deep and real deep I can see now

glenn fredly - You are my everything

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

1 month ago

it's still february 24th but I think it's okay.
I miss you guys alreadyyy Martin, Paul. Bryan, and John.
sebulan yang lalu, gue, edo, fristine, jasmine, sama gitta nonton bareng BLG and it was F-in awesome. maaf ya B Ingnya campur campur hehe.
gak mau banyak bacot. cuma mau bilang. I really miss that moment. when we're having fun together and watch our favorite band (sorry bout the bad grammar) .
and last but not least. I LOVE YOU PAUL DIGIOVANNI!

Kamis, 18 Februari 2010


maaf ya kalo editannya abal. but enjoy this pict!

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010


semoga di umur yg ke 16 ini lo:
- tambah pinter, tambah rajin
- tambah dewasa
- makin cantikkkkkk
- terus juga semoga lo panjang umur ya, Du...

maaf ya tadi cupcakesnya kecolek sama gue hehe. tadi yang di 7 11 kocak banget loooh :P
lo pake nemuin tas gue di bawah wastafel lg hehee.
tadi gue sama Dicta, Karin, Edo, dan Yudi ngumpet di kamar mandi kan disuruh sama Vita. ehh Tasya-nya nggakk dateng dateng. yaudah deh tuh lamaaaaa banget di kamar mandi sampe ada orang ketok ketok. tapi kita diemin aja pura pura nge-flush hehe.
akhirnya Tasya dateng kan gue turun ke bawah trus nyalain lilin dll, akhirnya gue, Tasya, Brendy, Edo, sm Yudi bawa kuenya trus nyanyi HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAY hehehe :D

ini tadi fotonya!

ya pokoknya wish you all the best ya Duuu love you

Senin, 08 Februari 2010


oke kembali dengan curcol gue. maaf ya kalo gue nulis ini tapi ini bikin gue nggak tenang. oke lebay. intinya : gue minder.
gue minder sama orang yang lebih cantik, lebih pinter daripada gue. gue merasa berada di paling bawah ngeliat mereka semua nilainya bagus bagus, bahkan ngeliat foto foto mereka bagus-pun gue minder. come on diandra. get a life! be grateful for who you are

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010


hey all! I watched BLG's concert last monday. THEY WERE SO GREAT

with Gitta Astari, Jasmine Alifa, Fristine Ameylia, and David Samuel Rolando


25 January 2010 lovelovelove.
Dear BLG.. please come back again to Jakarta. Jakarta loves you so much... <3
thanks for the great concert. I enjoyed it very much
lotta love, Diandra

@diandreey --> follow my twtr :)

Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

i miss junior high so bad :(

tadi baru aja liat foto foto perpisahan gue sama #4. kangen banget sumpah deh. padahal waktu smp pengeeen banget cepet cepet sma. sekarang pengen ngerasain smp lagi.
emang gak semuanya yang di smp baik, tapi tetep aja ngangenin.
gue kangen cerita cerita sama Abel, sama Yuda..
kangen gila sama Dela, Ratri, Dennis, Singgih, Maria, Shianne, Liza, Jane, dll.
kita emang cuma ber-27. emang kedengerannya gak seru tapi lo harus liat dalemnya :)
aaaah pokoknya gue kangen semuanya :')

maaf ya gak bisa ketemu kalian tempo hari. soalnya gue mesti berangkat kan kemaren. gue kangeeeeen bangetbanget. kalian baik baik ya disana :') cepetan pulang terus kita kumpul kumpul lagii.
jujur gue sedih pas Rio sms ke kita semua kalo dia mesti pergi ke Malang.. apalagi gue lg gk di tempat waktu itu yoo jadi gue hampir nangis gitu. tapi ya wish you all the best yoo.
Delima sama Bol bol (goooossh guekangen manggil lo bolbol) gue juga sedih kalian harus pergiii. tapi buat sekolah sih yaa. huhu.

(maaf ya kalo disini gue nyampah dan curcol tp bener bener gaktau harus bilang ke siapa)

mungkin perpisahan kita emang cuma ke Anyer.. tapi itu berkesan buat gue. gue masih inget ada Ridho Rhoma nyebur ke pantai hehe (ampun Nic!) ada Gorilla ke Anyer. tapi itu semua yg buat gue kangen :(

oh iya buat yearbooknya.. gue juga belom liat sih masih di Abel. maaf ya kalo gk sesuai sama yang kalian harapkan. kita bikinnya mepet banget terus sempet ada masalah gitu kan.. hm hm.

pokoknya kalian semua jangan lupain semuanya yaa. inget inget terus sampe kita gede huhu. miss you all :*

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

19 January 2010

hello readers! kemaren Edo ulang tahun loooh :)
(tanggal 18 Januari 2010)

mungkin ini telat ya Do. maaf yaa soalnya kemaren gak sempet nge-post.
ohiya Do.. disini aku mau ngucapin semoga kamuuuu:
- tambah dewasa kamu juga udah 16 tahun kan?
- nurut sama orang tua. jangan suka marah-marah. walaupun aku juga tapi jangan nyontoh aku ya
- jangan suka bandel kalo dikasih tau yaaa.
- semoga kakinya cepet sembuh.
- panjang umur juga.
- semuanya deh pokoknya ALL THE BEST FOR YOU!

maaf ya Do. kemaren ada yg batal gitu. semoga tahun depan gak kayak gitu lagi hehe (amin amin)
maaf juga kemaren Tiramisunya cuma kecil :(
aku nyari kemana mana gak ada. sekalinya adaaaaa,,, (you know lah. permasalahan tiap minggu kalo mau jalan hehe)

teruuuus. makasih ya Do kemaren udah nraktir nraktir wehehe. tapi ga disiram nih ah gak seru. padahal Nganga, Joseph gt2 udah bikin ramuan looh di kelas

loh BIRTHDAY BOY nyaaaa :)))
ini foto waktu Gonzaga Festival looh. lagi gembel banget guenyaa. muka madesu hehe. pokoknya... once again HAPPY (BELATED) BIRTHDAY hihi

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010


Happy 2 monthsarry

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

In a Rush

It came over me in a rush
When I realized that I love you so much
That sometimes I cry, but I cant tell you why
why I feel what I feel inside

How I try to express what's been jugglin' my mind
But still can't find the words
But I know that something's got a hold of me

It came over me in a rush
When I realized that I love you so much
That sometimes I cry, but I cant tell you why
why I feel what I feel inside

Baby, some day I'll find a way to say
just what you mean to me
But if that day never comes along
and you don't hear this song
I guess you'll never know that...

It came over me in a rush
When I realized that I love you so much
That sometimes I cry, but I cant tell you why
why I feel what I feel inside

And when I say inside, I mean deep
You fill my soul with something I can't explain
What's over me

It came over me in a rush
When I realized that I love you so much
That sometimes I cry, but I cant tell you why
why I feel what I feel inside

I love this song very much. it's an old song but that's okay.
see you in the next post. byeeeeeee

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010


Happy New Year 2010!
i know it's kinda late, but that's okay I think..

how's your holiday, people?
I went to Europe this holiday :)
In this year, I have a wish list. They're:
b) lebih dewasa dalam segala hal.
c) rajin belajar
d) bisa bikin seneng orang banyak.

amin. semoga itu bisa terwujud. aminaminamin. byee see you later! ttyl people